Winter Weather Tips From Clackamas County Public Health

包了! The next few days show some fairly cold temperatures in the forecast. The Public Health Division has provided us with some great tips for getting through this Winter Weather.


Some tips for staying safe and warm when the weather turns cold!

  • 戴连指手套(不是手套), 防风, 防水, 多层衣服, two pairs of socks (avoid cotton) and a scarf and hat that cover the ears.

  • Drink warm liquids (avoid alcohol as it can lower body temperature).

  • Change out of wet clothes as soon as possible to avoid frostbite and/ or hypothermia. See bottom for signs and symptoms.


天气变化很快! Be informed so you can prepare.

  • Sign up for local alerts at

  • Download apps like flashalert.Net和

  • Follow local news and watch for communications from utility providers.

  • 监测天气变化.政府.


  • Be ready if the power goes out.

  • Gather flashlights and extra batteries.

  • Store extra food (canned foods, crackers, hard cheeses, bars and nuts) and a can opener.

  • Test carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries, if needed.

  • Make sure that insurance policies are up to date (home, auto, renters and health).

  • Make a plan with your doctor if you have a power dependent medical device. If your medical needs require electricity, look into your power company’s medical certificate program.

  • Make a plan with your doctor if you need dialysis, 化疗, radiation or other inpatient treatments.

  • Make a plan with your friends, family or neighbors to check in with each other during bad weather.


Snow and ice can make travel dangerous. 如果可能的话,呆在家里.

  • If using a fireplace, make sure vents and flues are open and clear.

  • Don’t plug space heaters into extension cords or place on anything that could catch fire.

  • Don’t burn trash, as it may be toxic.

  • To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, only use generators outdoors and at least 25 feet from open doors and vents. Never use charcoal/gas grills or portable gas camp stoves indoors and never use gas range or oven for heating. See last page for signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.


If you have to go outside, consider these tips and tools:

  • Cover skin and limit time exposed to cold.

  • Wear shoes with good support and traction.

  • Take small careful steps — “shuffle walk.”

  • 尽可能使用扶手.

  • Take breaks if shoveling snow.

  • Take public transportation, if possible.


Be informed and pack a kit for your car.

  • 拨打511或访问 for the latest road conditions.

  • Make sure your gas tank is full and your car kit has the following:

  • 跨接电缆

  • 反射三角形或闪光

  • Ice scraper, snow shovel and brush

  • Cell phone charge and paper maps

  • Cat litter or sand for help with traction

  • Winter blanket, clothes and shoes

  • 零食和水

  • 拖缆

  • 急救箱

  • Traction devices like chains or tire socks


  • If you have a medical emergency, call 911. Don’t delay care because of snow or ice.

  • Call 211 or 1-866-698-6155 (TTY 711) or go to 211info.有关资源的组织.

  • Find free nutritious food at foodfinder at

  • Find free winter clothing at

  • If you need electricity due to a medical need, you may be able to enroll in PGE’s medical certificate program. Call the program at 503-612-3838, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. 到5点.m. 或者去波特兰综合医院.Com获取更多信息。.

  • 感觉不知所措? 寻求帮助是可以的. Call 988 (TTY: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)), text OREGON to 741741 or visit 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Health Conditions to Watch Out For in Cold Weather



  • 呼吸急促(气促)

  • 头疼

  • 缺乏协调

  • 恶心想吐

  • 头晕

  • 呕吐

  • 胸部疼痛

  • 混乱


Get the person into fresh air immediately if safe to do so. 拨打911.



  • 瑟瑟发抖

  • Exhaustion or feeling very tired

  • 混乱

  • 笨手笨脚的手

  • 记忆丧失

  • 口齿不清

  • 睡意

  • 快速的心跳

  • 呼吸比平时快

  • 婴儿的症状包括:

    • 迟缓

    • 可怜的喂养

    • 软弱哭泣

    • 苍白、冰冷的皮肤

    • 呼吸困难


量一下病人的体温. If below 95 degrees, get medical attention immediately! Try to warm person up with blankets and warm compresses. 脱掉任何湿衣服.



  • 刺痛,刺痛的感觉

  • Skin that appears red, white, bluish-white or grayish-yellow

  • Skin that feels unusually firm or waxy

  • 麻木


If you notice signs of frostbite, seek medical care and remove any wet clothing. If you are not able to get medical help right away, slowly rewarm the skin using warm (not hot) water or body heat (for example, placing frostbitten fingers under armpits). Do not rub frostbitten areas, as this can cause further damage.


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